Thursday, May 19, 2011

Take That, Sissies!

This posting is for all you haters (read: sorority sisters) who didn't think I could craft.

Exhibit A
I spent a bunch of time last night perfecting a little known craft called "poms" or "pom poms" for the upcoming bridal shower.  See exhibit A.

Remember, dear sorority sisters, when we would have craft nights for our philanthropies (side note: the S. June Smith Center and Special Olympics are both amazing organizations) and I would either a) be banned from creating crafts for the kids, or b) would create a craft and have to throw it out before sending to the children??!?!


Exhibit B
Yes, I may or may not have blogged about a beautiful mustacho mug (that I'm currently sipping from), and yes, I may have the tendency to go a tad bit overboard with some of my crafting.  But damnit, these poms are amazing!!!  See exhibit B for another example of why I'm the shit.  Also see exhibit B for the cutest blurry picture of little Mustacho (who has been trying to attack said poms for the past 2 days)

So, friends, family, and sorority sisters ... you see that I can indeed craft. However, you should probably continue to keep me away from crafts intended for needy children.  Ya know, just in case I have a craft relapse.

Oh and PS, I LOVE my sorority and my sorority sisters.  Big ups to my sissies, because you are indeed the shit.  Even if you won't let me craft.

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