Friday, March 30, 2012


Happy Friday, ya'll.

Today, before going over my list of things that fill my heart up, I'd like to reach out to my readers for a little personal prayer request ... my sorority sister was in a terrible car accident last week and needs all the prayers, good vibes, and positive thoughts she can get.  She is a feisty, sassy fighter, but prayers are appreciated.  I've been praying a lot for Jess, her doctor/nurses, and her family and friends who have been there for her throughout this difficult process.

Here's what fills my heart up this week:
  • Although I wish that Jess never had to go through this hard time, it has shown my sisters and me what an amazing blessing out sisterhood is ... ASA, I love you girls!
  • My kitty boys, of course
  • Had a little mini dinner party last night with some of my besties ... my belly was SO full and had a great time
  • Busy night at the bar tomorrow night, which hopefully means $$!
Have a great weekend, ya'll.  Keep those prayers/good thoughts coming for Jess!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Just a Little Note From Me to You

I NEED THIS KITTY!!!!!!!  Look at how handsome and fat he is!!! 

I want to cuddle on his tummy and fall asleep on it like a pillow. 

I want to hold him awkwardly like the lady in the video. 

I want to use him as a comparison to Carlton to prove that Carl really isn't "that" fat. 

I want to feed him with food and love and see how big he can get. 

I want to love him him all day and all night. 


Ok, CatLady, breathe.  And book a flight to Oregon today to rescue that ball of fat and fur.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Good morning kittens and happy Friday!

Here's what fills my heart up today:
  • Mustacho is currently passed the eff out on my lap (correction: I am cradling him like a baby and he is passed the eff out) ... it is adorable.
  • Only wo calls today, which means I can workout AND go visit the psychic before work #2
  • Had a great night last night ... went to dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lauren C and Lizzy G; got a few drinks; snack attacked the night away later while watching Jersey Shore.  Amazing.
  • No plans this weekend (other than work) and the couch-mate is out of town for the weekend, so I plan to catch up on many many trash tv shows (including but not limited to about 15 episodes of Gilmore Girls)
  • Had a successful trip up north for some bizznass meetings.  Found out where I stand with my position, opportunities for growth, etc.  All in all pretty rewarding, but we'll see come May 15 when I'm up for my raise/bonus!
  • This weather is unbelievable--I love it so much!
Have a good weekend kitty cats!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Happy Birthday to my amazing, handsome, sweet, loving, fantastic, funny, smart, terrific kitty babies Mustacho and Carlton Banks!  Ugh I can't believe they're THREE already!!  Time flies when you're in love ...

I remember when they were just itty bitty babies.  They were just too stinkin cute!  Now I only occasionally see a little glimmer of baby in their faces, which kind of breaks my heart a little.  However, they are now very handsome adults, and I feel exceptionally blessed to have them in my life.

Carlton ... and no that
isn't a wiener, it's his tail.

Unfortunately, I don't get to spend my boy's birthday at home with them as I'd like.  I'm up in the corp office actually getting some work done.  Oh the life of a single mother!

Anyways, there's my little shout-out to the loves of my life.  Happy Birthday, Moosey and Cal!

XOXO, Cat Lady

Monday, March 19, 2012

Home Sweet Dream Home

Ya'll, I am super tired of renting.  I am 25 years old and have been a renter for only 4 years but have lived in 4 homes (my current apartment is a record-breaker--I have been here well over a year).  Unfortunately, I have a decent amount of credit card debt, no savings, student loans, and a car payment.  Not exactly the ideal candidate for a home loan.  However, I am in the process of paying down my cards and getting some savings together (my tips from the bar every weekend are now going towards a future down payment)

My "dream" house requirements are pretty simple:
  • At least 3 bedrooms
  • 2 bathrooms preferable, but I'd deal with 1
  • Lots of natural light
  • Separate dining room
  • Decently upgraded kitchen
  • Closet/storage space
  • Location, location, location!  There's a 15 or so mile radius that I'm looking into.  My current town is likely where I'll do most of my hunting, but there's an adorable little small town area that I love too
  • No ghosts ... ok, so yes, this is ridiculous.  Yes, I have researched the laws of what a real estate agent must tell you re: dead bodies, etc.  And yes, this is a legit fear of mine.  What would happen if you bought a house, went to sleep for the first night, and then whamo! A ghost comes out.  Holy gracious, I'd flip the eff out!
A few other things I'd really like:
  • Good outdoor space (deck, patio, room for a grill at least!)
  • Attached garage ... ok, so by now if you're reading this blog you likely know that I am a crazy cat lady ... but my legit reason for wanting an attached garage (ya know, other than for snowy/rainy weather, extra storage, etc) is that I am petrified of the boys trying to sneak outside when I open the door.  They've only ever lived in apartments and make it a habit to attempt to run out in the hallway any chance they get.  All the places I'm looking at are on a main-ish road and I'm worried they'd get hurt or lost or whatever.  Ok, crazy cat lady rant over.
  • Finished basement ... or at least a basement that I can be in without being totally creeped out
Anyways, future home is pretty far off in the future ... I'm thinking I should be good to go in about a year and a half.  But a girl can always dream, right?!

Man, I'm Popular!

Ok, please note that the title of this blog is said with much sarcasm ... but surriously, I felt pretty darn popular this weekend!!

I went to go visit a friend's new townhouse (still in construction, but we got to check out what it will look like by piecing together two model homes and where it'll be built) in Eldersburg (a gorgeous, scenic 35 minute drive or so away from me).  After checking out the townhouse stuff, I went to lunch with the girls--and was asked to be a bridesmaid for one girl's wedding next March!  My buddy, Squash, was there as well, and I was already asked to be her bridesmaid for her wedding in October.  Popular much?

We got to chatting about wedding details for both weddings (of course, as it is my obsession) ... I told the girls that I basically have my wedding all planned out, I just need to insert a groom.  So, grooms, come a knockin on my door!  I'm popular!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm Baaaack

Whooops, I did it again!  I'm back, and I'll attempt to post more regular entries.  Cuz ya know, I have like 2 fans and you two need to know about my life (when we aren't texting, talking, and/or G-chatting about it).

Let's see, what has been going on since I last gabbed?  Hmm ... well, I have a new roommate.  Work has been pretty slow.  And I joined a new gym.  Yes, yes, I know I was just waiting for my last membership to end after a year even though I only went 5 or so times in total.  This one is different!  I pay a lot less, no contracts, and I have a roommate to force me out of my sweats and into the gym. 

What else?  Hmm ... no psychic updates.  However, she did say that I'll be meeting "the one" in April or May.  Thus the gym membership.  Cuz ya know, I figure my soulmate doesn't like em as chunk as I am.  But my soulmate will get used to it ... once I'm comfortable with him or I get bored of hitting the gym.  Whichever happens first.

Kitty boys are wonderful as always.  The new old roommate (we lived together for 2 years, now she's crashing on my couch for a few months) was living with me when we got the cats as bebes but hadn't seen them in 15 months while she was abroad teaching English.  The second she opened the door to greet them, they both instantly knew who she was.  Cutest thing ever.  Carlton is still obsessed with her and demands constant attention.  I was worried that my boys wouldn't want to sleep with me with her here (sleeping under their favorite blanket), but both of them still know who their mama is.  Good thing!

In other news, this dick is making my people (Catholics, Marylanders) look terrible.  God loves gays, he created em.  Idiot priest.  I'm so sad for this woman and am so glad that this has become a big deal in the media.  I know that the Catholic church is lacking those willing and able to become priests, but that sucker should get banished. 

Rant over!  In conclusion to my very random, very late post, please check out and donate to this very worthy cause.  My great great grandlil in my sorority (sorry for those non-Greeks, I'm sure that makes no sense) is shaving her head (2 months before walking the stage for graduation!) for St. Baldrick's Foundation, a charity supporting childhood cancer research.  I am beyond proud and humbled by Parna's willingness to shave her head, and to get the message out.  Check it out!
