Well, it's that time of year again, folks ... Fakesgiving! I started a tradition last year with some of my good friends to host a Fakesgiving dinner about a week before Thanksgiving. Last night marked the second Fakesgiving dinner and it was quite the production. Invitees included Mr. and Mrs. Lauren C; Pumpkin and Squash; two neighbors (whom we went to high school with as well); and Mrs. Lauren C's cousin and his girlfriend who are turning into some of my favorite people--mostly because her cousin's gf (we'll call her R) laughs at everything I say, and honestly, I really like that in a person.
The week started off innocently enough. Mrs. Lauren C and I went grocery shopping together (and I got the deal of all deals on my turkey--spend $75 and you get 66% off a birdie! What a bargain!). Unfortunately, my work threw a little wrench into the plan and I had to go up to Boston for a day trip on Wednesday. By a day trip, I mean a 6am flight up and what was supposed to be a 6:30pm flight back--which was bumped a bit later due to storms. Anyways, I got home around 10:30ish and did a bit of cooking. Ya know, because it's normal to bake cornbread at 11 at night!
My biggest concern was making sure that Hank, our 25lb turkey (named, of course after the turkey in my new favorite show New Girl) would be able to thaw out in time. As you may or may not know, I have two very bad kitty boys who like to eat everything and anything. Leaving my friend Hank in the sink to thaw overnight was not an option. So, I chose the most reasonable location to place Hank ... the tub. And honestly, it worked out perfectly and Hank was freakin delicious. Good thing no one ever reads this blog, or PETA would be on my ass like white on bread. Don't worry folks, I was a vegetarian (or, as I liked to phrase it ... carbatarian) for 7 years. And now, I am making up for lost time by eating copious amounts of Hank.
Yesterday started off very early by preparing my buddy Mrs. Lauren C's disgusting sauerkraut, which I cook low and slow all day. That smell is one of my least favorites, but since Mrs. Lauren C happens to be one of my very favorites, I allow it.
I baked and cooked most of the day, in between a few work-related calls, emails, meetings, etc. How dare work get in the way of my Fakesgiving feast?! Almost all of the cooking was done by the time my buddies started arriving.
The meal was a hit, even if it was served a full hour post-schedule. Thanks to all of my buddies for attending, and sorry to kitten boys for locking you up in my bedroom for 6 straight hours. Happy Fakesgiving!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
(Almost) Friday
I'm really trying to get back in the swing of being a more involved blogger, but I am unable to post my weekly Friday post tomorrow, because two of my dear friends are getting married!! I'll be leaving for Savannah, GA in the wee hours of the morning tomorrow and plan to have a blast celebrating with my sorority sisters and loved ones.
Other than celebrating the beautiful, lovely marriage of my friends, I have many other things to be thankful for:
Have a great weekend!
XOXO, Catlady
Other than celebrating the beautiful, lovely marriage of my friends, I have many other things to be thankful for:
- No work tomorrow for Veteran's Day!
- I'm making plans for my annual Fakesgiving dinner (ie: Thanksgiving with friends) for next week, and can't wait for all the yummy food, plentiful drinks, and lots of laughs.
- Yesterday I had some much needed me time that my poor friends had to hear all about last night (sorry, Mrs. Lauren C, Mizz J, and Mally)
- Going wedding dress shopping for my dear friend, Squash on Sunday
- Of course, my kitten babies are amazing, handsome, and overwhelmingly loving as always
Have a great weekend!
XOXO, Catlady
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
A Search for a Calendar
I've been on the hunt for an advent calendar that we had as little kids ... it was a tree with 25 little plush ornaments that you move onto the tree as the days go on. My brother and I would alternate who would move an ornament onto the tree each day and were constantly arguing over who got to move the Santa. No joke, we were arguing about this when we came home from college--not just when we were little. Duh, Santa gets moved on the 24th ... but if my brother was given odd number days one year, he'd be moving that Santa on the 3rd, the 5th, the 17th, every single odd day in December. Used to drive me nuts.
Anyways, I've been on the hunt for a similar calendar since I graduated from college and moved out on my own. Although it sounds ridiculous, my big bro and I had really lovely memories with this calendar and I guarantee if he found out I had the tree calendar, he'd still be trying to be the one to put the Santa up.
In my hunt for lovely advent calendars, I have found some of the following creepy finds:
I do believe I'd rather not have an advent calendar than have any of the above. Bah humbug and the like.
Anyways, I've been on the hunt for a similar calendar since I graduated from college and moved out on my own. Although it sounds ridiculous, my big bro and I had really lovely memories with this calendar and I guarantee if he found out I had the tree calendar, he'd still be trying to be the one to put the Santa up.
In my hunt for lovely advent calendars, I have found some of the following creepy finds:
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http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I /yhst-79589663722039_ 2182_10094427 |
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http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/yhst-550682 76416869_2179_64618752 |
http://www.vermontchristmasco.com /product/473/fabric-advent-calendars |
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http://www.christmasgiftgallery. com/img/pixie%20girl%20advent %20calendar.jpg |
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http://www.amazon.com/Quality-Fabric-Snowman-Stocking-Calendar/dp/B005AXV9P2/ref=sr_1_13?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1320848322&sr=1-13 |
I do believe I'd rather not have an advent calendar than have any of the above. Bah humbug and the like.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Catlady's Steps to Gettin Paid ... BLAM.
The above is the new title to my proposed book (copyright pending). A coworker was telling me that he wasn't getting paid for all the work he was doing on a side job ... which sparked the idea to create a book to empower nice guys.
I basically initiated this idea by telling my beloved nice guy coworker to follow the simple guideline to his biznass model: WWCD (What Would Catlady Do) ... and honestly, What Catlady Would Do is kick some tush!!
The dedication to the book that I've created is as follows: To all the nice boys out there who need kep kickin asses and takin names ... especially my buddy (name removed for privacy). I also plan to insert a statement in there regarding my lack of biznass savvy, business degree, or moneys in the bank. As my dear friend Mizz J says, what I lack in business savvy, I make up for in business sassy!
Chapter One: What did the five fingers say to the face? SMACK!
The rest of the book obviously is a work in progress, but I plan on making millions on this. You might want to go ahead and reserve your copy now.
In other news, Carlton ate a chunk of tomato yesterday while I was cooking homemade tomato orzo soup. Today he ate a carrot while I was reheating said soup. Carlton is a jerk.
I basically initiated this idea by telling my beloved nice guy coworker to follow the simple guideline to his biznass model: WWCD (What Would Catlady Do) ... and honestly, What Catlady Would Do is kick some tush!!
The dedication to the book that I've created is as follows: To all the nice boys out there who need kep kickin asses and takin names ... especially my buddy (name removed for privacy). I also plan to insert a statement in there regarding my lack of biznass savvy, business degree, or moneys in the bank. As my dear friend Mizz J says, what I lack in business savvy, I make up for in business sassy!
Chapter One: What did the five fingers say to the face? SMACK!
The rest of the book obviously is a work in progress, but I plan on making millions on this. You might want to go ahead and reserve your copy now.
In other news, Carlton ate a chunk of tomato yesterday while I was cooking homemade tomato orzo soup. Today he ate a carrot while I was reheating said soup. Carlton is a jerk.